Doula Support
Birth Doula Support
A birth doula is a woman that provides physical and emotional support throughout labor and birth. A doula is often someone that the pregnant woman connects with during pregnancy so that she can form a relationship with the doula and the doula can get to know her. A doula is not a medical professional or provider.
Most birth doulas will offer 2-3 prenatal sessions in which you will work together to prepare for the birth you desire. A birth doula will make herself available for your estimated due date and show up when you call. A birth doula often arrives at your house before your midwife or before you go to the hospital. A birth doula will often stay with the birthing for at least an hour or two post birth.
Each birth doula’s offering will differ a bit based on her unique services.
Postpartum Doula Support
A postpartum doula is a woman that provides physical and emotional support in the immediate postpartum period so that the birthing mother can focus on recovery and bonding with her baby. A postpartum doula is not a maid or nanny, but a woman that is present to support this vulnerable transition.
Most postpartum doulas will arrange a schedule in which they come to your house for 2-4 visits a week that last around 3 hours. A postpartum doula often cooks and does light housework, and she’ll often educate on breastfeeding, babywearing, and diapering.
Each postpartum doula’s will differ a bit based on her unique services.